Shady Spot: The Importance Of Tree Care

Questions to Ask a Potential Tree Lopping Service

Tree lopping can help to keep trees healthy, as removing old and decayed branches will allow new branches to grow. Trees get oxygen and moisture through the leaves on branches, so dead branches can soon lead to a dead tree. Tree lopping can also reduce the risk of your tree getting in the way of power lines and other cables. Whatever your reasons for calling a professional tree lopping service, note a few questions to ask so you know you hire the best company and the work is done to your satisfaction.

1. Ask if they will use spikes when climbing trees

Spikes on boots can leave large "wounds" on the tree trunk, which can actually damage a healthy tree. There is usually no reason to use spikes in order to climb a tree on a residential property, so unless it's a dead tree that is being removed completely, ask the service to avoid using spikes. They should be able to use ladders or have a small crane available for their use to reach those tall branches.

2. Note how much cleanup they will perform

Don't assume that tree lopping only creates a mess of branches that can be picked up by your lopping service; the process means twigs, leaves, sawdust, and other debris all over your property. Many services will remove the larger branches or have a wood chipper onsite they utilize, but that doesn't mean they will rake your yard completely. Ask what type of mess you should expect and how much of it they will clean up so you can be ready to rent a leaf blower or spend some time cleaning up your yard or consider putting down tarps over your landscaping features and flowerbeds.

3. Can they tell if the entire tree is diseased and damaged?

A good tree lopping service may not take the place of an actual arborist, but they should be able to tell you if the tree is actually salvageable or if it should be removed altogether. A reputable company will not want to simply cut down and dig up a healthy tree if you are only assuming it's already dead, but they should work with you to protect the tree by only removing dead branches. On the other hand, they may note that the entire trunk is decayed and that trimming a few branches isn't going to be enough to make the tree healthy again. Ask if they can evaluate the tree's condition if you haven't already had this done.

Keep these questions in mind as you contact and hire a local tree lopping service. 
