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3 Timber Terms You Should Know for Building Your Own Cabin

Taking on the task of building your own cabin, tiny home, or hunting lodge is something that is picking up interest worldwide. The issue that keeps most of these plans from getting off the ground is the lack of knowledge by the DIY enthusiast. In addition to needing basic plumbing and building knowledge, you should also know the terms that you will encounter when it comes to timber. Here are a few of the terms you may hear and what you, as a DIY cabin builder, should know about them.

Sawn and Dressed Timber

Sawn and dressed timber is one of the more common terms you may hear and have no idea what it means. The key point to remember with this term is to break it down into two parts. Sawn timber means that the timber has been trimmed and sawn. This is a raw form and very basic form of cutting the timber. In most cases, the sawn timber term refers to a first stage in timber cutting and preparation. If the timber has just been sawn, it is suitable for basic projects and even for timber trusses where the timber isn't visible.

Dressed timber from a company like Australian Treated Pine means that the timber has been smoothed down and the rough edges have been removed. This offers more of a finished timber product that is suitable for exposed timbers and for timber furniture and flooring.  If the wood is both sawn and dressed timber then it has been cut, sanded, and smoothed out in preparation for your project.

Reclaimed Timber

Reclaimed timber is a popular term with people building their own cabins, especially if using recycled materials is on the top of their list. Reclaimed timber refers to timber that has been salvaged from homes, businesses, and barns to be used in flooring or walls of the new home. The reclaimed timber has the benefit of already being weathered and seasoned so it can hold up to damp conditions with more durability.

Pre-Fabricated Timber

Pre-fabricated timber will likely be a term you come in contact with when you begin looking at timber trusses and frames. Pre-fabricated, in this sense, refers to the trusses and wall frames that have already been built and are being stored in a warehouse. The benefits to a pre-fabricated purchase is the ability to have your frames and trusses custom built and ready to install for your cabin specifications.

These are just three of the terms that you may overlook or not understand when you begin your own cabin construction. By understanding these terms, you can make better choices for your construction and for the longevity of your dream cabin. 
