Shady Spot: The Importance Of Tree Care

What Is Tree Lopping?

Tree lopping, sometimes known as tree felling, is when various sections of a tree are trimmed. Lopping your trees may involve clearing away branches or shortening the trees trunk. There are two different thoughts when it comes to tree lopping. Some people believe that it is beneficial to use the process of tree lopping, whilst others believe that tree lopping should be avoided at all costs.

Tree lopping very often takes place for landscaping purposes. The idea is to reshape existing trees to ensure that they blend in with the general landscape design. This can involve trimming branches to form a shape. If the tree needs to be a certain height to fit in with the landscape design, then the tree may be lopped so that it is trained to grow in desired directions. Special wires are often used in this process to achieve the desired shape.

If a tree has been damaged by weather conditions such as lightning, then the damaged area may be lopped, which will allow the remainder of the tree to grow new branches and regain its former strength and stature.

Trees are sometimes lopped when they do not fit into the landscape. For instance, tree felling may be undertaken if the tree obscures a scenic view from the home or if a tree is to close to the home, which will allow leaves and small branches to collect on the roof. If a swimming pool or jacuzzi has been installed in the garden a tree may not be wanted in order to minimize the possibility of damage to the pool. Some home owners may also opt for tree felling to be carried out to prevent the tree from falling down during bad weather conditions.

There may be a possibility that the tree may die from trauma when it is lopped at certain times of the year. There is also the possibility that the sections that have been lopped will decay, as well as being susceptible to bacteria and fungus that may cause the entire tree to rot. For this reason it is important to carry the job of tree lopping correctly.

The new growth that appears from the cut area of some types of trees may not be as strong as the remainder of the tree. If this occurs, the tree may never completely recover to its former glory. As well as this, the new growth may happen very quickly, which will make the need for continual lopping more frequent, especially when the tree is being sculptured for landscape design purposes.

Contact a local tree lopping professional for more information. 
