Shady Spot: The Importance Of Tree Care

Ideal Types of Trees for Landscaping

As summer quickly gets into full swing, this is the time of year when most homeowners concentrate on landscaping. Curb appeal has the ability to add value to your home and working in your yard can be a great way to spend the weekends. If you want to have a home with the most curb appeal in the neighbourhood, you need to know the types of trees that are most commonly used for landscaping purposes.

There are a few types of trees that require little maintenance and look best on your property flanking your home:

Flowering Dogwood Trees

Trees that yield flowers during the springtime are the ideal option for most homeowners looking to add pops of color to their yard. You do not always have top choose between planting flowers or planting trees. It is possible to plant trees that flower during the spring and summer months. The dogwood tree is one of the most popular types of trees that produces a flower.

The colours of the flower on the dogwood tree range slightly, but are normally fuchsia and white in colour. As summertime sets in the flowers on the dogwood tree disappear and green leaves are left until orange and red leaves begin to become visible during the fall months. This is a tree that offers a new look with each season and will give your yard a pop of color year-round.

Front Yard Landscaping Trees

When you are looking for trees that you can plant in the front yard, the best options are magnolias and maples. Both of these tree types produce blooms that are almost like decorations for your yard. The visually appealing look of these trees is superior to other options. They can both be great trees for offering shade and the Japanese magnolia tree even produces flowers that offer a sweet smell. Maple trees are slightly smaller than magnolia trees, but red maples trees can still grow to about six feet in height.

Privacy Trees

If you want trees that can shade your home and offer increased privacy, it might be best to opt for weeping willow trees. This type of tree will allow you to forego building a fence in your yard. All you have to do is plant weeping willow trees to establish your property line and offer more privacy for your home. This type of tree has long branches and interlaced leaves that adequately block the view to your home.

Contact a company like Lucas Tree Services to learn more.
